theatre group
selected Performances of KREPSKO

premiered October 2016
Anna was an aristocrat
lived as an amoeba in an antique aquarium
suffers from allergies, anorexia and asthma
anyhow she sings arias in an Andalusian accent
in automatic acrobatic poses - what abstract avant-garde!!

Hotel Misery deLuxe
premiered December 2013
Dear Guests!
Welcome to the once-famous Hotel Misery deLuxe, which offers a unique view over the sea of lost hopes, past lives and laughs.
Each passion-equipped room includes TV, sad-air-conditioning and happy-room-service...
A co-production with Teatr Kana

Edgar's Echo
-Paraphernalia of E. Cuthwellis-
premiered August 2013
renewed August 2016
The hunt for rare moments and species becomes a fantastic mathematical puzzle of a show on the discoveries of a certain Edgar, and the correspondence between Bruno and Sylvia.
But who after all is this Edgar?

Bistro Beyond
premiered February 2012
Welcome to the Bistro Beyond!
Let us serve you Tear Drops in a Cup with a Hint of Hysteria, Soup of Marinated Memories and a Side Salad of Shame - and a fairytale from the autumn of the world.
Mad Cup of Tea
premiered April 2005
There is an abandoned place, somewhere faraway, where things don´t work quite as well as anywhere else…
premiered December 2003
FRAGILE explores, through a magnifying glass, the character Laura from Tennessee Williams´s play Glass Menagerie.
...a visual theatre performance where the theatrical space itself is perceived as a performer.
Alma & Amanda
premiered October 2007
Alma and Her Sister Amanda. Amanda and Her Cousin Alma. Amanda’s Alma. Alma’s Amanda...
...Two minds - one secret, two moods - one problem.